الجلسات التشاركية بالمناطق لسنة 2019
محاضر جلسات المناطق أنموذج لمحضر الجلسة بالمنطقة عدد 02 أنموذج لمحضر الجلسة بالمنطقة عدد 03
الجلسات التشاركية بالمناطق لسنة 2018
إجتماعات المناطق
إجتماع المنطقة عدد 2
ARI Docs Viewer: 'https://www.commune-hammamsousse.gov.tn/images01/pdf/zone2.pdf' file doesn't exist. Check that the correct path to the file is specified. The path is a case sensitive.
إجتماع المنطقة عدد 3
ARI Docs Viewer: 'https://www.commune-hammamsousse.gov.tn/images01/pdf/zone3.pdf' file doesn't exist. Check that the correct path to the file is specified. The path is a case sensitive.
إجتماع المنطقة عدد 4
ARI Docs Viewer: 'https://www.commune-hammamsousse.gov.tn/images01/pdf/zone4.pdf' file doesn't exist. Check that the correct path to the file is specified. The path is a case sensitive.
إجتماع المنطقة عدد 5
ARI Docs Viewer: 'https://www.commune-hammamsousse.gov.tn/images01/pdf/zone5.pdf' file doesn't exist. Check that the correct path to the file is specified. The path is a case sensitive.
إجتماع المنطقة عدد 6
ARI Docs Viewer: 'https://www.commune-hammamsousse.gov.tn/images01/pdf/zone6.pdf' file doesn't exist. Check that the correct path to the file is specified. The path is a case sensitive.
إجتماع المنطقة عدد 8
ARI Docs Viewer: 'https://www.commune-hammamsousse.gov.tn/images01/pdf/zone8.pdf' file doesn't exist. Check that the correct path to the file is specified. The path is a case sensitive.